The original creators of the engine that kickstarted humanity’s expansion into space, Roberts Space Industries build a wide range of spaceships that serve all needs starting at basic interstellar travel to deep exploration on the outer edges of the galaxy. The tagline is “Roberts Space Industries: Delivering the Stars since 2075”
Produces dogfighters, but with less of the pirate stigma. These ships are more expensive, less spit-and-glue
MISC mass produces very efficient, modular ships, mostly armored freighters of different sizes that make them the preferred brand for traders and larger corporations.
Ostensibly a legitimate company, it’s an open secret that they manufacture cheap, well-armed craft favored by pirates, to the point that they’re named in that vein: “Cutlass,” “Buccaneer,” “Privateer,” and “Marauder,” etc.
The BMW of the Star Citizen universe. Their craft are more expensive, sleeker looking status symbols, maybe more so than they’re worth? They get numbers instead of names: “Origin 300i,”"Origin 890 Jump,” “Origin M50 Turbo,” etc.
Esperia is a human company specialized in creating Vanduul ship reproductions for war-time simulations.